Andersson, Per F. and Jan Teorell. 2024. "The Double-Edged Sword: How State Capacity Prolongs Autocratic Tenure but Hastens Democratization." Forthcoming in Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Andersson, Per F. 2023. “Fiscal Capacity in Non-democratic States: the Origins and Expansion of the Income Tax.” Journal of Institutional Economics 19(3):364-378 . Working paper version. Summary on the WIDERAngle blog. Shortlisted for the 2024 Elinor Ostrom Prize.
Andersson, Per F. 2022. “Institutions and Left-wing Tax Strategy: The Politics of Consumption Tax in Britain and Sweden.” Comparative Politics 54(2): 279-301. Ungated version. Summary on LSE's British Politics blog.
Andersson, Per F. 2022. “Institutions and Left-wing Tax Strategy: The Politics of Consumption Tax in Britain and Sweden.” Comparative Politics 54(2): 279-301. Ungated version. Summary on LSE's British Politics blog.
Andersson, Per F. and Johannes Lindvall. 2018. “Crises, Investments, and Political Institutions”. Journal of Theoretical Politics 30(4): 410-430
Andersson, Per F. 2018. “Democracy, Urbanization, and Tax Revenue.” Studies in Comparative International Development 53(1): 111-159.
Andersson, Per F. 2017. “The Impact of Experts on Tax Policy in Post-war Britain and Sweden.” Acta Oeconomica 67(s1): 79-96.
Book Chapters
Andersson, Per F. 2022. “Political Institutions and Income Taxes”, in Genschel, Philipp & Laura Seelkopf (eds.) Global Taxation. How Modern Taxes Conquered the World, Oxford University Press.
Andersson, Per F. 2021. “Political Institutions and Taxation, 1800-1945”, in Hakelberg Lukas & Laura Seelkopf (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Taxation. Edward Elgar Publishing, London. Online appendix.
Andersson, Per F. 2021. “Political Institutions and Taxation, 1800-1945”, in Hakelberg Lukas & Laura Seelkopf (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Taxation. Edward Elgar Publishing, London. Online appendix.
Other Publications
Andersson, Per F. 2020. Review of "Taxing Africa: Coercion, Reform, and Development" by Mick Moore, Wilson Prichard, and Odd-Helge Fjeldstad. The Journal of Development Studies 56(5): 1056-1066.
Andersson, Per F. 2014. Review of "Paths Toward the Modern Fiscal State: England, Japan, and China" by Wenkai He. Published online at Reviews & Critical Commentary (CritCom),
Under Review
State Weakness and Democratic Erosion in the 21st Century (with Jan Teorell).
Working Papers
How the Romans Ruled the World: Aqueducts and the Management of Empire (with Andrea Matranga, Filip Novokmet, Andrea Papadia, and Tomasz Zawisza).
Work in Progress
From Vichy to the Front National: Exploring the Legacies of World War II on Support for the Far Right in France (with Agustín Goenaga and Andrea Papadia).
The Impact of Taxation on Contributions in Public Goods Games (with Sergio Lo Iacono, Paola Moscariello, Martina Testori and Thi Thanh Tam Vu).
Losing Twice: the Political (Mis-)Representation of the Poor in Diverging Electoral Contexts (with Mirjam Dageförde).
The Redistributive Impact of Government Budgets (data project).